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LoRa Bridge RTU RS-485 Battery Powered
The Modbus-LoRaWAN Bridge offers a cost-effective solution for converting traditional wired MODBUS devices into wireless LoRaWAN nodes. It enables seamless communication by allowing the reading and writing of registers from connected MODBUS devices.
This bridge collects sensor data and transmits it to a central control system (gateway), while also receiving commands to control devices with Modbus RTU RS-485 output.
Additionally, the configuration of Modbus register mapping on the Modbus-LoRaWAN bridge can be conveniently managed remotely through downlink commands sent via our LoRaWAN server. The data transmission interval can also be customized to meet specific operational requirements.
LoRaWAN Parameters
Bluetooth Parameters
Rukan Crown, Blok A No.25 Jl. Green Lake City Boulevard No.10, RT.001/RW.010, Petir, Kec. Cipondoh, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15147 Indonesia
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